Building this site with React / Next.js and Sanity
What is Sanity?
Sanity is the platform for structured content. With Sanity you can manage your text, images, and other media with APIs. Sanity Studio an open source headless real-time CMS, that you can customize with JavaScript and React.
What is Next.js?
Next.js is an increasingly popular solution for creating Jamstack sites using JavaScript and React.
Benefits of this approach?
Combining Next.js, Sanity, Github and Vercel bridges the gap between development and operations activities by enforcing automation in building, testing and deployment of applications. In my case I found a starter kit that had the continuous deployment set up already.
Components for experience, projects, education, blog, comments with CMS integration etc.
It made the component development easier as React makes reuse very easy.
Finally code for interacting with the CMS for writing and publishing content, is well designed.